Connect. Create. Commission.
It Takes a Village...
Duncan Memorial’s ministry team has several parts – our clergy and staff, our Leadership Board, and our members who are in service through our ministry teams. We work as partners to discern and pursue how God is calling us to bein ministry.
Join our monthly “Next Steps” conversation after worship as we dream what God will have us do next!
Church Staff & Leadership
Rev. Michael Kendall
Antonio Hunt
Kait Priest, RMC ’25
Christopher Kendall
Faith Boyle
Leadership Board
The Leadership Board of Duncan Memorial oversees the strategic needs for ministry. These nine laity and the pastor are charged with the vision, staffing, facility, and financing of our work. With the pastor, they name the direction God is calling us. Through the pastor, they empower the staff and ministry teams to move us forward. The Leadership Board listens to our members in the visioning process, and our. members share time and tasks in ministry to make the vision a reality.

What is S.A.S.?
Simplified Accountable Structure (S.A.S.) is an administrative structure for United Methodist Churches allowed under our UMC Book of Discipline (Para 247.2). It combines the work previously delegated by the Church Council to Staff-Parish Relations, Trustees, and the Finance Committee into one unified, strategic body.
Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church voted to adopt this model in July 2023, and implemented the model on January 1st, 2024.
To learn more about S.A.S. at Duncan Memorial, please contact the Church Office.
Our Guiding Principles
Under the Simplified Accountable Structure (S.A.S.) model, our Leadership Board’s function is directed by our Guiding Principles.
The Guiding Principles for Duncan Memorial UMC were created and approved on December 19, 2023.