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our history

170 Years and Counting

We've remained steadfast in our dedication to nurturing faith, fostering growth, and building a vibrant community. Throughout this remarkable journey, we've witnessed the ebb and flow of time, yet our commitment to strengthening the bonds of faith and encouraging personal growth has remained unwavering. With each passing year, our community has continued to flourish, embracing new members and old friends, all united in the shared purpose of creating a warm, inclusive, and welcoming place where individuals of all backgrounds and walks of life can find solace, connection, and spiritual growth.

The congregation of Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church meets at 201 Henry Street on the corner of Henry Street and College Avenue. The original church was organized in 1853. The present structure was originally two separate buildings joined by a breezeway. The church school building (built by the church) and the sanctuary (built by the college) were constructed simultaneously in 1955. At that time the sanctuary was primarily for college chapel and the education building primarily for Sunday school, though both communi­ties used each others facilities. Eventually, the use as a stu­dent chapel faded. The primary use of the sanctuary became congregational worship.

In 1990 classroom and office spaces were added to the church school building. The two buildings were further joined by a colonnade, which created a courtyard garden and brought the physical structure to its present form.

Precedent for joint use by college and community goes back years. When the Meth­odist-related Randolph-Macon College moved from Boydton, Virginia, to Ashland in 1868, the church was meeting in Union Church along with members of other congregations, where the Masonic Lodge now stands on England Street. Subsequent space problems and a burned campus chapel united the church and the college around a need for a worship space.

Growing In Our Faith

In Ministry.

Celebrating Our Connection

In Worship.

Being Stewards In Our Community

In Service.