While graduation will be occurring on the RMC campus on Sunday, May 26, our church community will be enjoying the hospitality of Ann and Charlie Martin, as we celebrate music and worship at the Martin Farm at 10:30 am, followed by a covered dish picnic lunch. If you can, please bring a lawn chair, and, if you would like, bring a lawn game.
There is a sign up sheet in the colonnade to sign up for some volunteer opportunities to make our worship at Martin Farm possible. We especially need 3 – 4 volunteers to go to Martin Farm Saturday May 25, to help wash and move tables and set up for worship on Sunday morning, May 26. If you could help with this important task, please let us know. We also need help putting out food, breaking down and cleaning up on May 26.
The church will supply fried chicken, drinks, utensils and paper products. Church family members are asked to bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share.
The Martin Farm is at the end of Hanover Quarter Road. For a complete address, please contact the church office!
We will not have online worship on May 26. There will just be in-person worship that day.