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Stewardship Update

Time, Talent, Treasure and Truth

Stewardship is often discussed in terms of time, talent, and treasure. In truth, stewardship involves all of life, body, mind, and spirit, material possessions, friendships, and more. All we are and have is a gift from God for us to use wisely to building up God’s Kingdom here on earth.

UPDATE: Thank you for your generous support of our Stewardship Campaign for the upcoming year. Thus far, we have received 50 commitment cards, pledging: $282,480 for the general budget, plus an additional $8000 pledged for mortgage principal reduction, plus an additional $3000 for the pastor’s discretionary fund.

If you have not yet turned in a commitment/pledge card, it is not too late.

Turning in a pledge card helps the finance team to be able to more accurately create a budget for the coming year. The finance team can better discuss and consider our hopes and dreams for our church family as we strive to be a loving faith community where all are sought, welcomed, nurtured, and transformed to be Christ in the world.

Click here if you would like to print a commitment/pledge card.

There are also extra copies of Stewardship packets and Pledge Cards in the Narthex and outside the church office.

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