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A Ministry of Duncan Memorial UMC

RMC Choral Scholars

Our goal is to strengthen the overall quality and musical ability of our Chancel Choir, the adult musical ensemble responsible for providing choral music for our weekly 10:30 a.m. Sunday service. Strong vocal qualities, an ability to read music, and a willingness to develop responsibility and leadership skills are sought in the successful candidates.

Financial Scholarships Available!

Scholars will receive $500 per semester for participation in Wednesday rehearsals (7:00pm – 8:15pm) and Sunday worship at 10:30am. Commitment is for ten (10) weeks out of 14 in a given semester, before exams.

Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 Schedule

FALL 2024: Monday, September 2nd through Sunday, December 8th

SPRING 2025: Monday, February 10th through Sunday, May 18th

Upon completion, funds will be sent to the student’s RMC student account to defray costs (i.e., tuition, dorms, meal-plan, labs, books, fees). Seniors serving as a Choral Scholar in their final semester may result in an RMC credit balance which the school pays to the students after graduation.

Join Us! Audition Today!

To audition, contact the church office at 804-798-7224. Applications may be brought to the church office or emailed to