On January 14, 2024, we will have Leadership Sunday – when our church gives thanks for those who have so ably and generously given of themselves to lead us up to this point, and we give thanks to those who have volunteered to guide us in the future as we boldly transition to the new…
Lunch Bunch will be meeting on January 11th at Around the Table (155 Junction Drive - Roses Shopping Center). Come and meet the dynamic chef, Ammie Mines-Derricott. Besides cooking great food, she might even sing for you! RVSP to Carol Lipscomb (804-878-0662) by January 9th so we can save a spot for you. This is a…
Portable Magic will meet for their next book discussion on Sunday, January 21st, 2024 at 6:00pm. The next book for discussion is Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher. *A Reconciling Ministries Community
Our next study begins Tuesday, January 9th, and the title will be Adam Hamilton's "Wrestling with Doubt." Here is a description from Christiainbook.com: "Struggling with uncertainties on your spiritual journey? Whether a longtime Christian or brand new to the faith, get to know the God who is unafraid of hard questions. Hamilton draws from the wisdom of…
On Christmas Day, December 25, if you would like to join us to go caroling, please meet at 10:45 a.m. at the Ashland Convalescent Center (906 Thompson Street), and we will sing carols to residents and staff from 11:00 – 11:30 am.
Note - the actual name of this location has been changed to Ashland Nursing…
United Methodist Day at the General Assembly is in-person in Richmond on February 1, 2024! United Methodists from across Virginia will gather together in Richmond. There will be formal visits with our representatives to discuss issues relevant to our faith with direction from our partners at Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP), a time of learning with…